Monday, January 27, 2020


Is on the threshold of establishing a new standalone network of researchers, cultural producers, writers, designers, poets, designer makers, music makers, collectors, natural science community, environmentalists, and others working and living in the Tamar Region, – ponrabbel, on kanamaluka, Catchment 43 – or elsewhere, who have an interest the region's 'placedness'.

Why 43? Some time ago a geographer working for the Land's Dept, numbered all of Tasmania's rivers. He started on Flinders Island and worked around mainland Tasmania, down the east coast, up the west coast and across the northern coastline numbering river catchments as he went. It turns out that he gave the number 43 to the Tamar. The Esk rivers – Catchments 41 & 42 – that flow into the Tamar, and the Tamar itself, drain a significant part of the State. So, the number 43 carries an implication of 'placedness'.